Video Formula in Marketing

>> Tuesday, October 30, 2012

When I was working in a minor telecommunications company we think of every possible way of advertising our products and services in the best way we can. Our business is just new and our company needs to be introduced to our prospective clients and consumers. Even if I handle human resource, accounting and carrier settlement I also help in the marketing department in thinking new ideas on how to get a good advertising to sell our products. My tasks with my company were all new to me having been assigned to duties beyond my educational degree so I tried to learn everything I need to adopt the new responsibilities given to me. 

I noticed then that in marketing they tend to use similar sales letter in writing up companies when they offer demo presentation and services. As time goes by sales letter became more like a format letter which seems redundant at times. I know that with regards to modern times and technology innovation the sales letter should also continue to evolve and not just be patterned from old formats. It’s your best way to convince clients to try the products so the letter should be convincing and ambitious, more so if your product is the best of the crop. 

Well anyway those traditional sales letter were not all replied just like what happened to my sales letter to clients in my present job. It means that it’s not working now and we better think of ways on how to fit it to modern times. You can try doing the sales letter through video presentation just like what Ryan Deiss showed through his training using video as your sales message to customer will impart what you need to say better than just old school sales letter. 

The 5-part training is full of techniques and strategies you can do to boost your sales and conversions. You could also try other good training as well like Perry Belcher training videos which can teach you a lot in making convincing sales campaign in videos. It will surely be a hit.


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