Beautiful Blooms

>> Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Mom looks very happy when she goes out her garden this morning because the yellow blooms are lining up prettily in the pathway. Hubby suddenly developed penchant for gardening and lined up petite yellow blooms along the path from the gate to our terrace. After two months of caring they’re now blooming so beautifully. Maybe he got the ideas from his older brother who does some landscaping on his mother’s home. Their garden in Montalban is huge and various flowering shrubs grow prettily all year round. 

We actually got most of our plants and flowers from that garden because they always have spare for us. I’m now thinking of having planter at one corner of our garden or near the window to enhance the front view of our house and to give a greener effect on the whole place. We’re situated at the side of the national road and it would help in giving us a cleaner and unpolluted air.


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