Remembering DSI Friendly Bowling Games
>> Saturday, August 28, 2010
I suddenly miss playing bowling when I learned that one of my friends is continually doing it for years. I started it on the regular basis on our company tournament where our employer gives us allowances and prizes when your performance is great like when you’re the striker of the day. It was called Friendly Games by our boss because he intended it to be. He wanted everyone to join even if they’re not professional players and so we joined. It was a very memorable tournament for me because I was once or twice given the striker of the day award and became a member a player in the Best of the Best though I’m just an amateur player then. My coach was good and very patient with me that’s why it was easy for me to learn techniques. Now as I fondly remembering those days I found out that I had no single picture of that tournament. Wish I could find one!
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