:FF/FTP: White-Sauced Pasta

>> Friday, June 25, 2010

It's one of the foods that I love when we attended my niece' baby christening. I'm a lover of pasta especially the white sauce ones. I don't cook it often in our house because my kids love the regular red-sauced spaghetti and when I cooked carbonara it's only the adults who eat. So if I want to eat carbonara or fettuccini I just buy or order from a trusted yummy cook :-)

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Mylene June 25, 2010 at 5:31 PM  

Me too, I love pasta, both red or white sauce.

Mine is up Here.

i♥pinkc00kies June 26, 2010 at 9:30 AM  

I like pasta too.. not with white/ cream based sauces though. I like it with oil-based or tomato-based sauce. Spicy pasta are so good too.

June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) June 26, 2010 at 6:27 PM  

Yummy! I am starving now... LOL
My friend and I love pasta with white sauce. Woot! :D

Cecile June 26, 2010 at 10:35 PM  

i love pasta but not a fan of white sauce, i prefer spaghetti sauce :-)

maiylah June 26, 2010 at 10:44 PM  

same here .. i like eating white sauced pasta, too. :)

thanks again, Race
happy weekend!

Lady Patchy June 27, 2010 at 7:22 PM  

mukhang masarap with lots of cheese.yummy!

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