New Plans for Anniversary

>> Saturday, April 10, 2010

It’s less than a month now before we celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary and just this afternoon I laughed at how my kids are planning our special day when they saw our wedding invitations. Actually they don’t forget the exact date as it seems etched on their young minds. They’re asking me to cook a special recipe and buy them their favorite cake on our wedding anniversary.

They’re so excited when they suddenly remember that we usually dine out on every anniversary that we had. I saw their faces suddenly lost their excitement so I told them that I’m going to make it a family wedding anniversary and they will go with us on our dinner date. They eyes rolled and they regained their excitement again. Will tell it to DH later.


Tita Beng April 11, 2010 at 6:35 PM  

Advance Happy Wedding Anniversary to you guys!

Wow, you're dining out! Sama ko! ha ha ha..!!

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