:FF/FTP : Sweet Mangoes

>> Friday, March 19, 2010

Since it's summer I've chosen to post one of the Philippines' best fruits. Mangoes are everywhere here - in the market, fruit stands, food cart, carinderia and neighboring stores - in all sizes and varieties. We even have them in our backyard as we have some fruit bearing trees of mango, tamarind, star apple, guyabano and kamias (if this one is considered a fruit).

This plate of sweet golden yellow mangoes are from the province of Pangasinan which were imported by my church mate to sell here in Manila. This was taken in one of our church outing in Pansol swimming resorts where we almost had two baskets full of these very sweet, juicy and yummy yellow summer delights. I love making mango fruit shakes! Philippine mangoes are one of the best in the world and I attest to that!

For other yummy food entries click the badges above!


FoodTripFriday March 19, 2010 at 7:30 PM  

Sarap talaga ng mangga sa atin, kaya kahit nakakabungang araw,kain pa rin ako, lol!

Ms. Journ March 19, 2010 at 8:08 PM  

Manga asan kana...lol... yes sis agree ako mas masarap mangga jan dito kakaiba eh... mahal pa. lol
Here's my Vege Salad Entry.

Unknown March 19, 2010 at 11:32 PM  

wow ansarap! im drooling over here. :)

""rarejonRez"" March 20, 2010 at 1:35 AM  

woooooh sarap sarap! it's mine and hubby's favorite! now that i'm drooling over this photo, i won't go ask my hubby to come see this post! otherwise, he'll br drooling too and there's no cure! wala talaga yan dito sis! huhuhu!

Cecile March 20, 2010 at 8:55 AM  

wahhh, miss ko na tong mangga sa Pinas...matamis kasi...dito mahal yan eh.

i♥pinkc00kies March 20, 2010 at 10:29 AM  

Sarap gawing mango shake! perfect for the hot weather :)

also love this sa pies/ cakes.. ang refreshing.

fetus March 20, 2010 at 5:22 PM  

aaaaahhhhhhh!!! my fave... alam ko sobrang tamis nito, sobrang golden yellow o!

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