Custom Fit and Comfortable Runners Gear

>> Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I love walking and running because it gives me the feeling of being fit and healthy. I used to join walkathon and marathon when I was in my teens and participated in some walk-for-a-cause activities when I graduated from school. As a sporty girl running is one of my best sports aside from playing volleyball, softball, badminton, table tennis and bowling. I was a thin girl then and when I start working and got married I easily gained weight because I stopped doing my sports activities. If only I have plenty of time to get back even to some of my favorite sports I would be slimmer and stronger.

Now I can see that there are several kinds of sports gear available in the market unlike in the past that we were contented with just few brands. I’m working online so I always get a chance to browse some store that offer gears to sports enthusiast and I got very interested in San Diego Running Institute that sells runners gear that includes running shoes, shirts, shorts, gels and hydration drinks for a runner’s complete needs when running.

They don’t just sell shoes but they also used advanced technology like custom shoe fitting and running mechanics analysis so they can adjust the shoe to the most comfortable usage and prevent running injuries. They will examine, measure your feet and check your gait with your selected shoe to make sure that you’re comfortable with your running shoe. This service demands no additional fees when you purchase one of their shoes. I wish I could have that when I decide to get back to my sports.


ProGait February 10, 2010 at 5:52 PM  

Gait Analyis is great for finding a good fitting running shoe but also to make sure you do not suffer from any biomechanical abnormalities such as flat feet or pronation which can cause you pain when walking or running. Many Podiatrists also offer gait analysis which can include video analysis and pressure plates studies.

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