Camp Meeting Plans

>> Monday, January 4, 2010

End of the holiday and many of us I’m sure are not quite over with the holiday fever. I remember last year when I was still working in BT&T that every after some holiday it pains me to get up and summon myself to get ready and go to work. Most of my officemates felt the same way and sometimes it’s hard to even write and start the reports and usual office responsibilities. Well that after-holiday sickness will last only for a few days then we’ll be as normal as ever. It’s just the effect of long holidays especially the last month of the year holidays.

We had our camp meeting fellowship successful and renewed our spirits for the new year of hope and endeavor. We were very happy with our four-day stay in the villa. All in all we’re in 5 vehicles and we’re thinking that maybe its better if we’re in a motorhome during the camp. It’s more convenient and just perfect for the purpose. If we’re going to do that in the next camp meetings we’ll make it sure to get the best and affordable motorhome insurance to make sure that we’re covered if anything happens. It’s best to travel in safety than meet accident and be sorry.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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