The True Spirit of Christmas

>> Friday, October 23, 2009

It’s in the air you can actually smell it! I’m talking of the coming holiday season where everyone seems to devote their time decorating and preparing gifts for everyone. For those who didn’t want to rush themselves on the last month of this year they choose to shop for gifts to their loved ones as early as last month. Here in our part of the globe Christmas season seems to start as soon as month of September comes in. They call it as the ‘ber’ season. Well that means the four months ending in ber. People are really funny sometimes; they always have something exciting to make their lives happy.

Even if we’re badly affected by the recent storm that hit the country there’s no stopping as to how we’re going to make our loved ones feel special by our gifts and christmas cards. It’s one way of showing our affection to our friends, family and relatives. Even in these times where we receive heart warming messages through email and text notes from mobile phones it’s still sweet to receive Christmas cards.

Actually people are accustomed in giving cards but the busy schedule sometimes hinders them from doing it. Good that you can now order Christmas cards online through which offers classic and personalized cards which will put a special touch on every card that we sent. I particularly liked the cards done out of recycled papers which is environment-friendly. It’s good that they have a card like that, I know many people especially those very conscious of saving our environment will appreciate the recycled cards.

Just don’t forget the other importance of this holiday is to show our loved ones our great love by giving them care and attention. And if you ask me what Christmas is all about I’ll say it’s giving your love. Like the lyrics that I personally liked in one of oldest Christmas songs which goes ‘Give love on Christmas day…No greater gift is there than love’. Since I was a child those phrases left a mark in my heart that the true spirit of Christmas is love.


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