Josh Birthday!

>> Sunday, September 6, 2009

Had some fun at the mall with my kids and hubby yesterday celebrating Josh' 6th birthday. My youngest prep student has turned 6 yesterday and he was very happy about it. It was like an extra medal for him, funny that kids regard additional age as a very exciting event in their lives :-) Josh was actually counting the days as early as August and the night before his birthday he told me that he's very excited.

At home we let him wish and blow his cake and we ate cake and pasta before we set off where we decided to have fun. We surprised hubby who was having a hard time getting permission to leave early from work, kids and I planned our activities in the mall where hubby works. He was very happy when he saw us there in front of the store and told us that someone will be coming to relieve him of his works. While waiting for his reliever we spent the time in an arcade because that's where the kids wanted to be in the first place.

When hubby finally timed out he walked us all to the whole area of SM North including the newest addition the SKy Garden. We just stopped roaming around the place when Josh had his time in motor riding. He was very happy with it and he made some friends already. We finally ended our 2-hour malling with our dinner at KFC (kids' request). We went home with all of our 3 kids happy and satisfied.


maiylah September 10, 2009 at 11:14 PM  

what a lovely and fun day it must have been for you and your family, Race! :)

so sorry for not visiting last week ... my blog got hacked for some reason and i couldn't get to it anymore...
will be transferring Food Friday to this blog... can you please change your FF button link to here:

appreciate it much!
many thanks! :)

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