Xbox 360

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

I’m not so keen on playing online games because I spent my time reading books and online studying. I prefer surfing different sites than spending my time gaming. But with my kids of course they love games so much even if I only allow them only on weekends because I can monitor them what kind of games they played. They’re contented enough to surf games over the net because they’re still young but when I asked my teenager nephew he wants XBox because he can play games, compete with other players online and enjoy multi-media.

I browsed through sites which offered Xbox 360 and found out that there are consoles and accessories aside from the games that they sell. Now upon checking available games my nephew decided on racing games just like my choice. Anyway there’s a lot to choose from and you can pick by piece or buy a bundle which for me is a good deal. One good thing is it’s not just games and songs but you can also watch HD TV shows and movies. That’s a lot for a good deal price.


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