Hiring the Best Individuals

>> Friday, February 27, 2009

I’ve been involved in our company’s Human Resources Department and I know how hard it is to choose among competitive applicants for the vacant positions. You’ll have to compare qualified applicants according to their education, experience, intelligence and salary level. In my own capacity I do some tests to gauge their abilities, skills and state of mind. I do some IQ tests on a time-pressure level and subject them to a simple psychology written exam to test their mind levels and some characteristics.

After all those tests and examinations on all qualified applicants we do series of interviews and sometimes all these tasks that I do seems to tire me especially if we’re hiring the higher ranks of employees. Sometimes I wish I would just look for a good Executive Recruitment Firm Directory to help me choose the best applicants for the vacant positions in our company. Finding the best employees for your organization is no joke. This is where Dennis Carey, the leading executive recruiter comes in to help you in your predicament. More information can be found in Dennis Carey's profile. I know they have the ability to look for the best candidates that would fit it in all the high standard requirements of the company. It’s good to hire them because you can be assured that you’ll get the best individuals and manpower for your corporation.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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