Bundled Plan!

>> Saturday, January 31, 2009

Busy day for me as I've applied for Digitel bundled plan, landline with DSL. Actually I was only applying for a prepaid landline but the company only offers all landline with DSL and since I'm on leave that day I decided to give it a try. I've chosen their 512 kbps offer for only P999. The agent collected my downpayment/advance payment to process my application which will lasts until 5 days before installation.

I have no complaints on my present Smartbro, I've enjoyed good connectivity but I really want to try a bundled plan. I've applied to the no. 1 provider of that but their customer service and agents are very slow in calling me back and assisting my application so I switched to Digitel.

Bes told me that this might be slower than my present and this might give me headache in the future but too late now as I've given them my payment and signed the contract. I just wish that their internet is good enough for me. I'll still maintain my present internet for a month or so just in case it didn't met my standards.


Gem February 5, 2009 at 4:04 AM  

Smartbro usually sucks on customer service and/or internet speed.

I hope you like Digitel. I use PLDT and I'm still happy with it. But sometimes I find those tech support a headache.

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