Vacation In Bicolandia's Farm

>> Friday, October 17, 2008

My sister-in-law’s mother came from the Bicol region and as such they see to it that once in a while they visit their hometown to see family, relatives and friends. They also visit the place for special family occasions and sometimes for a nice relaxing vacation. They frequent the places where they swim on rivers, pick on root crops and harvest what’s ripe among the fruits and vegetables.

For someone who grew up in the urban areas like us and the family of my brother it was a pleasurable respite from the bustling life in the urban. No traffic, no malls, no keeping up with the time and a bus ride away from internet café (that’s not so good to me). Anyway with the modern technology you can always put your mobile internet through your PC as long as it’s a 3G. But sometimes it’s a relaxing break to be free from any signs of modern technology, it’s nice to be just like the province people, happy and contented with their way of life. My niece and nephew seemed so happy in their pictures when they had their vacation there, and who would not be happy it’s really nice to be there.


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