Sleeping On Tents!

>> Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our church is always spending December holiday season and holy week on far-away camp sites far from the bustling metropolis. There we will put up tents and do our cooking on portable gas stove and some on charcoal. We usually have fellowship for three days and we bring clothing and food stock for the whole period because markets and groceries are usually very far from our chosen sites. As mommy to 3 kids I learned the technique of packing necessary things for the camp meetings because if you’re not that organized you might miss some essential things.

Camp meetings are the occasions that we really look forward to and we planned everything months before the fellowship. We’ve rented many places on our camp meetings, we’ve gone to DInalupihan Nature Center in Bataan, there’s one occasion that we’ve had it in Florida Pampanga, when I was a new baptized Christian in early 90’s I remembered our camp meeting in Rain Forest in Pasig City (not so far from us) and in Jabez camp site in Cavite.

Here’s one beautiful site that we’ve first experience sleeping on tents, it was a memorable experience for all of us so I’m sharing this to you. It was on Cerca, Brgy. Banaba, Indang,Cavite a place near Tagaytay City, a 2 hectare camping site full of fruit-bearing trees.


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