Kuya's Birthday

>> Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today is my brother’s birthday, the eldest to me and Redge. Unlike past years he didn’t prepared a big celebration. They were shopping for goods for their Sta. Lucia’s booth store so they opted to celebrate on a different date.

Kuya is the first among us who experienced God’s overwhelming grace and glory, I remember those mornings spent sharing God’s word. I was on an afternoon shift then and he’s starting his construction company, we’re still single at that time so we have every morning to spare to talk and share God’s word. It was when I felt the urge to feel and know more about God. God used my big bro in my realization of God’s wonderful love to me. Since that first fellowship way back Sept. 26, 1992 where he has brought me and Redge to House of God church my life has changed. On Oct. 25 of that same year we were baptized.

Now Kuya is very busy with his government office work and construction company but still manage to have three bible study in a week wherein he shares God’s word to people in Cainta, Infanta, Quezon and Calamba, Laguna. He’s an Evangelist Engineer and he heed to God’s calling spending his personal money and never asking for return. He told us God will return the blessing to Him. He told us it’s better to help people who can’t return the favor to you because that’s the true spirit of giving – not asking or waiting anything in return.

I thank God for giving us a big brother like him, a college scholar who uses his wisdom in sharing God’s word and uses his hard-earned money to help others. Like the title of his newly-created blog for sharing God’s word he truly has a Servant Heart.

Picture taken on Mitch Bday.


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This blog talks about everything about career, job and human resource. It also shares about hobbies, sports and travel. Several years in corporate world taught me a lot of things about life and work and I'm sharing all of these here.

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