Josh’ Costume Party

>> Saturday, October 25, 2008

Josh enjoyed his costume party at school yesterday. He was telling his grandma (my mom) that it was really fun playing games with his classmates wearing different costumes. I accompanied him on this school activity and I saw that kids were really happy especially when they play Trip to Jerusalem and Group Yourselves games. Actually it’s their teachers who count and grouped them in because they seem to just wander about the circle never minding the number counting lol! Lucky I’m not their teacher because it requires a lot of patience.

Josh and his friend Carl won in the first game that they played so they’re happy enough that early in the program they have prizes already. In the succeeding games after that they just played lightly never really taking the games seriously. Josh was even asking me to pull him out of the group yourselves’ game when he saw the ice cream cart, he’s really a lover of ice cream.

It’s nice that the program lasted for only one hour after almost 30 minutes of waiting for other kids to arrive. The heat was scorching outside the school compound and I nearly fainted because I just came from sickness. Anyway as we reached our house and Josh was energetically telling his stories to granny I felt happy too. Here are some pics!

Winners of 'Best Costume'

Dracula, Fairy and Zombie :-)


Gem October 29, 2008 at 5:28 PM  

Wow! That's a nice costume party. Bihis na bihis sila.

Interesting Josh. Mukhang pilyo, hehehe. I'm glad he's happy.

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